Friday, December 24, 2010

this christmas...

a month back, i wrote and i asked, is there still magic in christmas?  there were things which i was supposed to do, which didn't happen due to my busy schedule. as days, went by i forgot about christmas. i decided that it was just going to be another day for me. how very wrong was i....

Sunday, November 28, 2010

is there still magic in christmas?

one month to go, and soon it will be christmas. it's written everywhere. as u walked in the streets, when u walk in the malls, christmas decorations are everywhere. is there still magic in christmas, really? deep down inside i don't know.......

Friday, November 26, 2010

conversations with the little king

i'm sure we've all heard the saying "kids says the darnest things".. i didn't fully understand that right up till little king started "talking". i must say, these conversations while entertaining when you talk about it later, didn't feel that way when you are talking. more often than not, they got me speechless and there were times when i said to myself, "wow! i guess i'm not that smart after all."

my encounter with the king

how often in life does a commoner like us get an opportunity to be in the presence of a king? once if we're lucky... wait! i meant IF we are REALLY lucky. i mean, seriously even if we were to get that one opportunity, i seriously doubt the king would remember who we are the next time he sees us. anyways, that was what i thought, until the day i MET the king!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

the day mr R appeared and disappeared .....

the whole day was as routined as it can get - wake up in the morning, get online, check emails, phone calls, emails, contracts evaluation.. a QUICK lunch.. back to emails, proposals, emails, phone calls.. oh, you know the works. i mean seriously, how interesting can the life of a boring unhappening workaholic be? LOL!!! anyways, after a long extremely "boring" day i decided to take a short nap right after dinner - without taking dinner. woke up not too long after... and then IT happened!!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

the journey of a lifetime!

it's been more than a month since my selangor story's tour ended. soon... in less than 10 days, we will be announcing the winners for the competition; the one moment the top 30s have been anticipating and waiting for. so, how did the tour go? did it go well? were there hiccups? .. and of course, the BIG question "who are the winners?" 

Thursday, September 23, 2010

FINALLY! kick start & roll off..

ahh well.. in less than 12 hours my project; my baby, my pet project is gonna kick start and roll off! after months of working on it (and i mean MONTHS!!)  - the adrenaline rush; the stress, the excitement, the disappointment...everything and anything; the whole nine yards - whatever made me think i could do it (LOL)... anyways, all said and done, this thing is gonna hit the road tomorrow, and i got a feeling it's gonna be huge! (not super huge huge, but huge!) ... with 30 bloggers from all over malaysia, singapore & indonesia - united coming together for 6 day 5 night to share their SELANGOR STORY.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

my baby steps into the world of bloggers

i have often wondered why people blog and what they get out of it. recently, i had a conversation with some friends. i told them that i was running an bloggers' competition and all of them asked me, "so do u blog?"... looking them in the eye i told them, "no. i don't. i have no clue what to blog about, or if i will be able to find the time to blog!" -- oh yes! the million and one excuses one will normally come up with to not do something :-)